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Mission Launch; My Journey To Mars

Welcome to the Class of 2017

That's right, my Mission to NASA Space School starts now. While the application process was rigorous, the real challenge begins here. Space assignments? Check. Students from around the world participating? Check. Ticket booked? Check.

And this is only the beginning.

So, let me tell you about my story so far.


My journey started back in January, when I participated in a difficult application process for this incredible opportunity. Through several different stages of the selection process my knowledge of Space and Mars itself was tested, as was my scientific and mathematical abilities. As Winter came to an end, it was announced that I would be one of two people selected to represent Wales, one of over 30 participating countries.


As previously stated, the selection process for this once in a lifetime opportunity is highly competitive, and all those involved went through a series of similar challenges as I to be chosen. These students are from all around the World, from Argentina to Denmark, Australia to Bolivia, aged between 16-18. The very idea of all of us being in one room, working towards a project far bigger than ourselves is an incredible feat in itself! So who are these other candidates?

Having started a group chat with the other students, I've gotten to know most of them pretty well. One such student is Sophie Hesp from the Netherlands. Sophie went through a competition held across the Netherlands, which required participants to submit a video and present their idea on how they would improve the planet using space technologies. Sophie had the idea of using Satellites to improve the quality of the very air we breathe! She came in first place, and will be representing the Netherlands in Houston along with two others. As you can imagine, everyone else in the Space Program went through similar trials, and we have all truly worked for our places in the Class of 2017!


The hard work does not stop there however. As students of Space School, we are expected to expand our knowledge of Space and Astrophysics with assignments dedicated to several fields in the Aerospace Industry. I've completed two so far, one revolved around Space Law and the other on Orbital Mechanics.

Here's some quickfire questions! Are the Military allowed in space? Can you own a piece of the Moon? Can Donald Trump actually fire nuclear weapons in space?

The answer to these questions is an overwhelming no, according to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 anyway. Article IV prohibits the involvement of anything that might be considered a weapon of mass destruction in the exploration of Space. This also includes the uses of the Military of space (unless they were there for peaceful purposes only!) And no, unforuntately you can't legally own the moon. According to Article II of the Treaty, no Celestial bodies are subject to claims of sovereignty.

I also had to work on the different engines needed to travel to Mars. What's better, Chemical or Nuclear Engines? How may we generate artificial gravity on the ship? Is the Hohmann transfer the best way to move between two orbits that are in the same orbital plane? These were possibly the toughest challenge I faced yet, with complex physics involved in calculating all of the above.

Here's a challenge for you at home: How many gallons of drinking water do you think are transported to the International Space Station every year? Find out in my next blog post!


Obviously I could not be doing any of this incredible work without your help. Every donation I receive helps me towards my dream of being a part of something so much bigger than myself; to be a part of Space Exploration, of taking humanity a step further. A successful cake sale and other fundraising endeavours have allowed me to book the plane ticket there and back! So thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. You have brought this dream even closer to reality.

The fundraising is not over yet however. We still have a long way to go if I am able to attend Space School and live with a Host Family in Houston Texas. Please look at my website or GoFundMe Page for more information on how you can help me on my Mission! Every penny brings me one step closer to walking through NASA Headquarters.

Until next time!

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